Heal to the Root | Embody Your Worth | Create Your Life
Welcome beautiful! If you are reading this it means that you are interested in letting go of old stories, a deeper knowing within yourself, and an overall reset of your being…yay!
The quest for returning to wholeness, inner calm and your true essence is a massive act of self-love. Even if you struggle to feel unconditional worthiness and self acceptance, you care enough about your life experience to improve it with cathartic and transformational measures. You are committing to YOU and it is an incredible journey…one that never ends.
Within all of my modalities is use a holistic approach, blending the gooey reality of our ego’s psychology with our soul’s innate presence (no bypassing I promise!). I believe that the balance of this duality is vital to bring all elements of this human experience to a place of surrender and expansion. I also believe in the power of your inner wisdom and ability to guide your own journey. I offer tools, reflections and insight to help you connect and empower yourself and shift your own reality.
My commitment is to hold a compassionate and honest space to guide you more deeply into your own intrinsic worth and capacity to heal yourself!
We all arrive to this type of work because aspects of our current life experiences are painful. While the desire is typically to shift what is happening now, we must first understand the experiences that have shaped our inner and outer worlds. When we get deeper into the roots of who we are, only then can we begin to change the reflection we receive from the environment around us. This is where our empowered transformation lies.

“With our minds we create the world but before that, our early world creates our minds”
Dr. Gabor Maté
Psychology is a fascinating, complex, and ultimately beautiful phenomenon.
The ways in which our ego adapts to keep us “safe” is nothing short of miraculous. Up until recently, most treatment for psychological discomfort was focused on working with the 5%-7% of the mind that is conscious. The problem is; that most of our behavior patterns and thought programs are stored in the powerhouse of the subconscious mind that remains untapped with conventional therapies.
In the last 15 to 20 years the psychedelic renaissance has surged along with several breakthrough therapies (such as Root Cause Therapy) that allow us deeper access the powerhouse of the subconscious.
Gratefully, the landscape for reclaiming our mental, physical, and emotional well-being is changing. By cultivating a deeper understanding of how our psychology, biology and spirituality all interact, the work to truly liberate ourselves can be exponentially more powerful!
Through my own challenging and expansive personal journey, my development as an Iboga facilitator since 2017, and becoming a mother I have learned a lot about the human condition and “the nature of reality”.
With the intention to expedite self-awareness and the path home to our embodied worth, I developed an approach blending expanded consciousness with modern psychology.
Whether you are seeking Root Cause Therapy, Preparation/Integration support, or an experience with Iboga, it would be my honor to guide you more deeply into yourself and to receive healing at the root!
Root Cause Therapy
Preparation & Integration
Private Iboga Ceremonies